Excellent advice from someone who knows 100% what they are talking about!
Michelle Burke
Book a 45 minute online safety session with me to find solutions to your family's current digital issues and help develop healthier and more productive media habits in your home. I will help you every step of the way - answer your questions and provide you with advice, tools, hacks and up to date knowledge that will put you back in the driving seat.
For any parents out there who are concerned about what their children are doing/watching/talking to online, I highly recommend Wayne as someone who can advise and point you in the right direction.
Pauline Mills
Anyone who has children who have access to the internet need to go listen to Wayne. His seminar was informative, interesting and an eye opener. Even though I would consider myself to be fairly knowledgeable about my children's use of the internet and the risks to them while online, I came home with more awareness and more skills and most importantly the vocabulary to talk about safety, risks and digital footprints to my teens. Highly recommended.
Leonie Finnegan
Excellent advice received from Wayne about allowing my daughter onto a gaming platform that as a parent I am unsure - AND about the safety of such platforms. He described the safety protocols and parental controls that I can set up, checks and screen time limitations etc. Provided me also with a demo. On hand to help at anytime. Thanks Wayne!
Karen O'Callaghan
Author of 'The Student's Guide to an Epic Online Reputation..and parents too,' Coach, Educator, Speaker and Trainer, Wayne Denner set up Ireland's first Social Network platform in the early noughties before Facebook, Twitter, Myspace and Bebo!.
After 23 years in this space Wayne is now internationally regarded as a thought leader, specialist and influencer on online safety and reputation, online behaviour, community engagement and emerging trends in social media in today's rapidly changing digital environment.
Wayne helps families, organisations and businesses protect themselves online, develop healthier media habits and take advantage of technology for life and work opportunities.
Wayne Denner helps schools, young people, parent, teachers, practitioners and organisations, leverage technology and look after themselves online.
He’s the author of The Students Guide to an Epic Online Reputation and parents too. He’s a Speaker, Coach and Trainer on digital safeguarding, technology news and digital issues globally.
Wayne set up Irelands first Social Network platform in the early noughties before Facebook, Twitter, Myspace and Bebo! (and was told it would never catch on!).
After 26 years in this space Wayne is now internationally regarded as a thought leader and influencer on online safeguarding, youth and community engagement online and emerging news, risks and trends in todays rapidly changing online environment.
Wayne motivates young people and adults to protect their well being online, take control and maximise their individual talent in todays digital world.
Wayne tells his story and provides sound advice, strategies and tools on protecting personal, professional and organisational reputation online and using social networks, the internet and smartphones to your advantage.
'Absolutely fantastic to listen to Wayne's knowledge, know-how and delivery'
Tuatha Corca Teine
1: What is covered in the personal sessions with Wayne?
That's a great question. The session is focused on your personal needs and specific digital parenting issues. Before the session takes place you will receive an email with some questions to ultimately help shape the session. Our time together will provide you with solutions to your concerns or issues, an ongoing strategy and tools and tricks to maintain healthy and productive media habits for you and your family longterm.
2: How in the session delivered?
Most of us are now familiar with using Zoom for meetings. Once you've made your booking you'll get an invite for the Zoom call with Wayne with your chosen date and time.
3: What cost is involved?
Currently there are two options:
£87/100 Euro for a 45 minute Introductory One-to-One First Session with a Parent or Carer. This includes resources.
£150/170 euro for a 1 hr 10 minute Session with child or teenager accompanied by Parents or Carer.
4: Will I need or can I book follow up sessions with Wayne?
In some cases one session is all a family may need to help answer and address digital parenting issues. However if you do need further sessions they are charged at the following rates:
Each 1 hr session after the Introductory Session is £125/150 euros. For longer term assistance discount is available.
In this FREE Guide you will learn Wayne's TOP 10 Tips for helping parents with everyday online life.
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